01. Introduction
Welcome to the path planning lab! Here, you will get a chance to code two of the path planning algorithms that you’ve learned earlier.
You will first code the Breadth-first search algorithm in C++. This algorithm is divided into different coding quizzes. You will challenge yourself and code each one of them to finally generate the shortest path of a robot moving from start to goal.
Then, you will move on and make the necessary changes to code the A star algorithm.
After coding both the BFS and A* algorithms, you will visually compare the expansion lists generated. After a close inspection, you will judge which of these algorithms is more efficient.
Later in this lab, you will apply the A* algorithm to a real-world problem. The real-world problem is nothing but the map that you’ve generated using the occupancy grid mapping algorithm.
Alright now, let’s get started!
Lab: Path Planning
Task Description:
Here's a detailed list of the steps in this lab. Check them off as you complete them:
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